Embark on a delectable journey with our Teen Baking Summer Camp – an in-person culinary adventure designed for aspiring young bakers aged 12-17, running Monday through Friday. Throughout the week, participants will hone their baking skills and explore a diverse range of international delights. Some of our recipes are already decided but in Teen Camp we always find new recipes to try.
Join us before the camp fills up!
Summer Camps have started!
One week in: we baked 80 cakes, 18 doughnuts, 56 pretzels, 72 Madelines, ate 32 snowcones, and washed 897 dishes. New friends were made and old friends joined together to make this a week to remember!
The kids decorated my car with daisy stickers and played the Bake Austin Trivia Board game. We enjoyed some Butterfly Pea Tea, played games on the playground, and learned about baking 5 different styles of cakes.